Final-Examination and Academic Record

About Examination

Final examinations are different for each faculty. For details, please refer to each faculty's "Student Handbook".
※Graduate students should contact the lecturer in charge of the class on the examination information. 

Method of Conducting Examination

In principle, final examinations will be held at the end of each semester. However, in some cases, depending on the course taken and the lecturer, final examination may be substituted by submitting reports or papers.

Announcement of Examination Schedule

In principle, the announcement will be made two weeks prior to the start of the examination period.

Final Examination Time

During the final examination period, the examonation time is the same as the class time (100 minutes).

Notes on the Final Examination

1. About the seating arrangement

A seating chart with your seat assignment will be posted in the designated classroom for each examination's subject, so please take your seat according to the chart.
If you are not assigned a seat, please follow the instructions of the lecturer/ instructor-in-charge of the examination.

2. Present your student ID card

Be sure to bring your student ID card with you when you are taking the examination, and place it in an easily visible place on the desk aisle in the classroom. If you forget your ID, please go to the Student Affairs Division to get a temporary ID card.

3. About Mobile Phones, Smartphones and PHS

When you are in the examination room, please turn off the power and put them in your bag. It is prohibited to use them as a clock.

4. Reference to textbooks and etc.

As a rule, you are not allowed to refer to your textbook, notes and etc. during examination time, unless otherwise instructed by the instructor.
If you refer to these items without permission, it will be considered as cheating.
Please bring out only the writing materials from your pencil case and put the pencil case in your bag.

5. About Wrongdoings( Cunning and etc.)

Students who cheat on examinations will not be allowed to receive credit for some or all of their courses for that term, and will be subject to severe disciplinary action, including public notification.

Supplementary Examinations

If a student is unable to take the final exam due to injury, illness or other unavoidable circumstances (legitimate reasons),
the student must notify the lecturer in charge of the class immediately.
If the lecturer approves, a supplementary exam will be given. If necessary, the student may be asked to submit an absence report.

About Grades

Faculty (common to all faculties) 2017 onwards

  • Students can confirm on the『Notification of Results』 at S*gsot
  • If you have any questions about your grades, please inquire the Student Affairs Section or the Graduate School Section during the grade confirmation period (announced on the bulletin board). 
  • If no inquiries are made, it is assumed that you are confirmed with the grades and no further inquiries will be accepted after the grade confirmation period.

 Grade Point
Grade Standard
S Pass 4 90?100 marks
A 80?89 marks
B 3 70?79 marks
C 2 60?69 marks
D Fail 1 50?59 marks
F 0 0?49 marks
N Recognized Courses taken at other universities and other educational institutions and has been recognized and approved at the time of enrollment or during enrollment.
※Not calculated in GPA
For 目前最好的足彩app information about each of these precautions and systems, as well as other details regarding examinations and grades, please refer to the "Academic Guide" of each faculty or graduate school.

Graduate School of Engineering and Science

Grade Standard
A Pass 4 80?100 marks
B 3 70 ?79 marks
C 2 60 ?69 marks
D Fail 1 50 ?59 marks
F 0 0 ?49 marks
  • The factors used to calculate the grade is based on the total of the normal score,  score of report assignments, score of examinations and etc. 
  • The grade report distributed to students will show A, B, C, D, and F. Bare scores will not be displayed.
  • The grade points in the table will be used when calculating GPA (Grade Point Average).
  • For 目前最好的足彩app details, please refer to the "Student Handbook".

Grade Registration and Confirmation Period

  IGP Graduate School of Engineering and Science
AY2021 Fall TBD Here